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Do You Prioritise Visits to Your Optician?

Many people put off a visit to an optician because they have not noticed any change in their vision and feel that there is no need to make that appointment. If you feel like this, it is crucial to get your eyesight checked, as the optician will not only make you aware of any early problems but could also detect some general health issues. So why is such an appointment so important, and what will the doctor be looking for?

Be on the Safe Side

An ophthalmic examination will typically detect any condition that may cause your eyesight to change gradually with time. In this situation, you may not have noticed any alteration, but the optician may recommend a course of action to stave off any further issues. At the least, they may recommend that you get a stronger prescription for your eyeglasses. Alternatively, they may recommend more frequent visits to monitor new developments.

Checking for Issues

The optician will also be looking for more serious eye disorders like cataracts, glaucoma or retinal issues. Many people will develop cataracts as they age, and if you do so, you may eventually need to replace your lenses. Glaucoma is often referred to as the "thief of sight" and may show no symptoms until it's at an advanced stage. So, in this case alone, it is crucial to get eye examinations from time to time.

Detecting Diabetes

It is also possible to detect a condition like diabetes through an eye examination. Many Australians suffer from this condition without being aware of it, and it is due to a buildup of glucose in the body. Should you develop diabetes, you may also be affected by diabetic retinopathy, which can cause issues for the macula located at the back of the eye. In this situation, the macula may begin to swell due to issues with fluid retention. This could cause blurred vision and floaters in the field of sight.

Using Advanced Tools

An optician will have various devices that can help detect irregularities, such as an ophthalmoscope. They will use this and other tools during a standard eye examination.

Making an Appointment

So as you can see, it is important to get your eyes checked periodically. This can be particularly important as you age, and some ethnic minorities may need additional exams. If it's been some time since you did so, make an appointment today to give you peace of mind.

Contact a local eye clinic to learn more about eye exams and how they can improve your health.
