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How To Prepare For An Eye Test With A New Optometrist

Having an appointment with a new optometrist can sometimes be necessary, especially if you have moved to a new area or are not happy with the service at your previous appointment. However, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure that your appointment is a success.

Find Your Old Prescription

If you can find your prescription from your last eye test, you should take it with you, as your optometrist may want to see it. It will allow them to see how your eyes have changed and developed over the last year or couple of years, which can alert them to various eye conditions and problems. It can also help them to explain what stage of development your eyes are at relative to your age – for example, whether you have presbyopia, a normal change in your eye's ability to focus, which, as the American Optometric Association states, often appears in the early forties. If you can't find it, just make sure you take or wear your old glasses from your last appointment, as they will be able to learn information from them.

Gather Health Information

It is important that your new optometrist knows about your medical health and anything that could affect your eyes. The National Institute of Diabetes, for example, explains that diabetes can cause a range of eye conditions, such as glaucoma, macular oedema, and cataracts. Therefore, your new optometrist needs to know about your diabetes, as they can take extra care in looking for these conditions as well as testing your eyes more regularly. There are other conditions, such as cancer, high blood pressure, and Lyme disease that can affect the eyes, as well as pregnancy, so be sure to let your optometrist know about any conditions you have. You should also find out in advance if your close family have had any eye issues, or any of the conditions mentioned above, as sometimes eye problems can be genetic.

Think About Glasses

You can also be maximally prepared for your eye appointment by thinking about the type of glasses you want, or if you want new glasses at all. This will allow you to spend less time deciding what you want, and you will be able to communicate your needs more clearly to your optometrist. For example, if you want to try contact lenses, this is something they will be able to arrange. If you need special sports or underwater lenses for a hobby, this is something most optometrists can provide. You should also sort out your budget for glasses so you know what you can spend, as well as take a little time to think about the shapes and colours that would suit you.

By taking a little time to find your old glasses or prescription, compile some information about your eye health and general health, and think about what type of glasses you require, you can be as prepared as possible for your eye appointment.
